Wednesday 30 November 2016

Have you ever seen Sydney from a 747 at night?

Even from a 737 in the late afternoon it looks pretty good.

Here's the north coast of Tasmania, looking down on Bridport and Tomahawk.

"Sydney shines such a beautiful light.
And I can see Bondi through my window way off to the right."

Paul Kelly said it all really. Sydney's quite a place to come home to.
"Now the red roofs are catching the first rays of the morning sun.
My eyes are full of sand from my midnight run.
And the captain says 'Belt up now, we'll be touching down in ten'.
So I press my seat and I straighten up.
I fold my tray and I stash my cup.
As the red roofs are catching the first rays of the morning sun."

Sydney shines such a beautiful light.

Here's Kelly at the Revesby Workers' Club:  

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