Monday 21 November 2016

All agog at Mount Roland

I was rather proud of this heading until I realised that Mt Roland isn't actually part of the Gog Range. That's a few kilometres to the south east of it.

Never mind, it's a meritorious and gog-inspiring mountain, and it's a prominent landmark from most parts of Tasmania's North West Coast.

Life under Mt Roland must be very scenic, but I wonder if it's really paradise?

The nearby town of Sheffield is the usual stopping off place for a Mt Roland visit. It's renowned for its public murals, many of which feature the rocky edifice. There's even a cut-out of it there.

I took the short, sharp route up the mountain, starting at Kings Rd, in the settlement known as Claude Rd. It's a good, well marked track, and takes you up from about 400m altitude to over 1230m. At first it's in forest, and then you're scaling boulders up a steep gully.

The last kilometre or so is on open plateau, and there are views across most of the northern half of the state.

The whole walk took about five hours.

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