Wednesday 7 December 2016

Maiyingu Marragu

An excellent day out recently with my Thursday bushwalking explorers group! We went to the Maiyingu Marragu Aboriginal Place. It's a special area within the Newnes State Forest, just off the Wolgan Valley Rd, and it used to be known as Blackfellows Hand Reserve.

It's also part of the Gardens of Stone area, and in a future, better, world, it will be part of an enlarged Gardens of Stone National Park.

Here we are, heading on up the fire trail at the start of the walk.

The area is another bushwalkers' paradise - full of terrific rock formations, canyons, slots, caves, labyrinths, pagodas - the lot. A bit like the fabled Donkey Mountain down the road, but easier to get to and a bit more spread out.

The features have all been named (by our Bush Club friends) after places in the Indiana Jones films. So there's a Last Crusade Ravine, as well as a Holy Grail Ravine. There's a Temple Creek, a Labyrinth, and a Sacristy, and there's a wonderful area of spectacular pagodas: the Temples of Doom. We found a bathtub formation too, so we named that.

The best known feature of the area though, is the big rock overhang known as 'Blackfellows Hand Cave'. There are lots of fine examples of hand stencils to peruse.

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