Tuesday 8 November 2016

A stairway to ....... Kunanyi

Or Mount Wellington, as it used to be called.

They changed the name on me while I was away. It's still the same magnificent old mountain though, dominating Hobart's scenery and beckoning bushwalkers like me.

One of the first priorities during my recent Tasmanian trip was the Wellington Pinnacle pilgrimage. I went up from The Springs to the Pinnacle, via the Zigzag Track, and down by the South Wellington and Icehouse Tracks.

It's nice up there. Fragrant botanical smells, blue skies and bracing breeze. Excellent views too across all of Hobart, and much of southern Tasmania, including the Tasman Peninsula and the main peaks in the South West wilderness.

The observation shelter is still there. Looking as ever like the cable car turn-around station that I half believe it was originally meant to double as. Every few years somebody cooks up yet another cable car or chairlift plan, probably hoping the taxpayers will build it for them to make private profit out of. Nothing doing there yet though.

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