Saturday 22 May 2021

Colo explorations: Turner to Tootie and back

A group of us explored yet another stretch of the amazing Colo River recently. 

The Colo is that long, winding, thing that drains much of the Wollemi National Park. Its geography is a little too complex for me, I've come across it from many angles, encountering many of its loopy bits, and been forever confused about what's where exactly. 

Anyway, I'm gradually coming to grips with it. This time we entered via the Bob Turner Track from Upper Colo, and ventured down the left(?) / downstream bank a couple of kilometres as far as the Tootie Creek confluence.

We'd planned to cross the river at the usual crossing point, but found it to be pretty uncrossable. The water was higher and faster flowing than I'd come across before, even this long after the floods of a few weeks back. It drains a big area, this river.

Progress was less arduous than it might have been, thanks to the destruction that had been wrought by the earlier torrents. Nevertheless, one of our members was defeated by the various obstacles, and had to be left for a while and picked up later.

Recovery was at the newly-discovered 'Australian Brewery' pub at Rouse Hill. And this was quite a discovery too.

(3rd photo courtesy Liam H, 4th photo Australian Brewery)

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