Tuesday 4 May 2021

The Great North Walk part 3: Hornsby to Berowra

The stages are getting a bit bigger and hillier now, but we're still going (fairly) strong. Nine brave souls at the start.

Here we are having morning tea at the scenic waterfall on the Great North Walk's recently-designated 'upper diversion' around the Hornsby Rifle Range. I'm still a bit peeved at having the easier under-the-rifle-range route stolen off us allegedly for safety.

 Down those steps into Galston Gorge



Probably better to be facing inwards




This bushwalker's done it all before

An unexpected challenge at the creek crossing under the Galston Gorge bridge. They've put concrete 'stepping cylinders' there, but they're not stuck properly to the boulders beneath, and they wobble horribly!
Now is this a snake I see, around a tree? (Actually it's not!)
Lunch at the Crosslands Reserve. Some are feeling a bit sore, and checking out the Uber option.

And then there were seven.

Photo courtesy Elaine W

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