Sunday 23 May 2021

Another peek at Peak Hill

I like to get back to Peak Hill at least once a year. It's in the Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, near Brooklyn. I refer to it as 'everyone's favourite pointy peak'. It might just be me though, as there strangely weren't many other takers the other day. My bushwalking club's getting a little tame in its old age.

At 200m, it's actually a little lower than Porto Ridge, along which you approach it. That's another of the confusing things about a Peak Hill outing. The third is that however many times you do it, you can still get a bit disoriented, such are the contortions of the geography and the transient nature of the obviously-not-quite-trafficked enough track. Of course I'd told them I knew it all so well that I hadn't needed to bring my GPS. Actually, we didn't get very lost, or for very long!

Some excellent indigenous rock carvings below and to the west of Porto Ridge.


A lesson in procuring a tiny taste of bush honey.

More rock art. This time it's a group of ochre hand stencils in a rather fine and well-hidden rock overhang.






Atop the pointy peak.

It was lost and now it is found. A rather stressful few minutes for this bushwalker. And it proves again that the best way to locate a lost phone is to ring the number. Dozens of times if necessary, and while wandering around lost for the second time, after losing it while lost for the first time!


Back down to Brooklyn along the big ugly concrete strip section.



Hawkesbury view from Porto Ridge.

(Some photos courtesy Eirlys V, Fred G, and Robert M)

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