Saturday 28 September 2019

Muogamarra open day

The Muogamarra Nature Reserve is a national park with a difference, just north of Sydney. The main difference is that it's only open for a few weeks of the year, during August and September, and then only on weekends.

If that used to limit the visitorship and its impact, I think the opposite may have happened now. It's become hugely popular when it is open, because of the publicity its exclusivity gives it.

The bushwalkers were there a couple of weekends ago.

We did just about all of the walks on offer. One takes you down along the old Peats Ferry Rd, and past some mangrove swamps.

Peats Ferry Road naturally takes you to the site of the old Peats Ferry, where you would once have caught the ferry across the Hawkesbury and to the north.

It's waratah flowering time, of course, and there were indeed a few on offer. But 2019 doesn't seem to be a great year for waratahs.

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