Saturday 7 September 2019

Nature Photographer of the Year

The Powerhouse Museum is currently displaying the winners of Australian Geographic's Nature Photographer of the Year competition. And gosh, what a magnificent set of images!

I've been a bit remiss in not recording the names of the various photographers, for appropriate crediting. It's all there though on AG's website here: Credits here somewhere

Thanks all for your wonderful work!

I remember this robber fly was from the Juniors section.

This one's a crested horn shark, eating the case of a Port Jackson shark.

These are archer fish.

I liked this one a lot. It's a lyrebird taking a bath.

The overall winner was a dead fin whale on a western Australian beach. 

 I think I preferred this live shark though.

And I was very drawn to this view of Lake Oberon, in Tasmania's Western Arthurs. About thirty years ago I walked in to that spot (took two or three days), and took the same shot. Only mine somehow didn't capture it quite like this did!

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