Tuesday 3 September 2019

Clumsy crossings and a Colo cave

Another fine bush expedition the other day. We visited the Colo River, about two hours north-west of Sydney.

We took the excellent Bob Turners Track down to the river. Then it was a rather inelegant (in the case of most of us) and slippery river crossing, followed by a somewhat arduous bush bash the few kilometres upstream, to Mailes Cave.

Many a slip.......

Morning tea on the south bank

Mailes Cave for lunch. Who was Mr Mailes? Good question. Nobody seems to know.

Still daylight for the return crossing, and excellent reflections.

Our crossings were somehow even clumsier and more incompetent than the morning effort. Here's a video, courtesy Meiha Cheung:

Finally back at the cars, far above the river.

Then it's a recovery dinner at the Wilberforce pub. Amazingly, there's free beer on offer tonight!

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