Tuesday 17 September 2019

Mystery Mountain & Zobels Gully

The Thursday Surveyors went out to the Newnes area again the other day, for yet another fabulous bushwalking adventure.

We first headed on up to the summit of Mystery Mountain, where we had morning tea and looked down at the Wolgan Valley below. Great views also across large swathes of the Wollemi National Park.

We then retraced our steps part way down again, and strode out along a rather magnificent (and very navigable) ridge, half way up the cliff face.

Up now onto the plateau, via a handy slot, to a very scenic lunch spot.

It's easy walking over the top of the hill through an area burnt out by a fire last year.

Then it's a long, easy stroll down again, via the rather magnificent Zobels Gully.

Back to the cars via the old Newnes railway route. A hundred years ago they were mining oil shale here. The ruins are nearby of the extensive refining works. The railway used to take the product out to Newnes Junction, 50km to the south, via what's now the Glowworm Tunnel. More here: Wikipedia article . That's all a whole other day out though.

GPS trace courtesy walk leader Harold.

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