Thursday 1 November 2018

Picture perfect

On my way down to Tassie the other day I called in on Canberra to break my journey. A lot of people claim not to like Canberra, but I think it's an excellent stopover place. There are lots of interesting institutions to inspect, as well as scenic sights and all that splendid bushland around the place.

The National Portrait Gallery has been open in its current modern building for ten years, and I hadn't previously managed to get to it. It's well worth the effort. Hundreds of old friends and acquaintances. Or that's how it feels. So many so familiar faces.

Like recently deceased singer Gurrumul, stylish ex-Governor General Quentin Bryce, and Bob Brown with his Franklin River flowing free.

A self-portrait of Ken Done.

And actors and actresses and sporting heroes galore.

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