Friday 2 November 2018

Canberra's jugglers and acrobats, and their fine old house

If you're a political junkie you need to visit Canberra now and again. That's where the action supposedly is. Or at least, that's where most of the political juggling and acrobatics happens.

I did New Parliament House last year, so this time it was Old Parliament House's turn. For over half a century they juggled to their heart's content there. Even made a few important decisions.

You can learn all about it as you wander around the place. It's part democracy museum, and part warm and cosy, fine and comfortable old building. There were very few other visitors when I was there. I paid my $2, and I was free to roam the corridors, the two chambers, the Prime Minister's and Speaker's offices and suites, whatever I liked. There's a nice cafe and an upmarket restaurant too, or you can hire bits of it for special events even.

Downstairs there's a nice little display of some of the year's best political cartoons, entitled 'Jugglers and Acrobats'.

Malcolm didn't show quite enough skill, it turned out!

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