Saturday 10 November 2018

Montezuma Falls

Just outside Rosebery is a fine little historic bushwalk that yields maximum scenic bang for your energy input buck. It's the walk along an old tramway route, to Montezuma Falls - one of the highest in Tasmania.

I'd mistakenly thought it was an uphill walk, and probably muddy and a bit arduous. But it's anything but. It's almost dead flat, takes an hour and a bit each way, and it's extremely scenic and rainforesty.

You get to cross over a fine new swingbridge, from which there's an excellent view of the waterfall.

I started fairly early in the day, which was probably a good idea. The walk is very popular with tourists and with locals. Here are two pretty-in-pink German tourists who accompanied me for part of the way.

It's quite jarring these days to come across a cigarette packet in the middle of a rainforest walk. It wasn't there on my way in, but had arrived by the time I headed back, complete with cigarettes in it. I was trying to decide whether it was dropped by the fit young couple I'd seen running in with a baby in a pushchair, or the unfit-looking elderly couple who'd been shuffling off as I was arriving.

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