Tuesday 20 November 2018

Thornleigh to Parramatta via the scenic route


I led a group of bushwalkers on one of my classic walks the other day. We did Thornleigh to Parramatta, not along busy Pennant Hills Road, but mostly along a series of bushland corridors. You can do this sort of thing all over Sydney.
It had rained overnight, and the Darling Mills Creek was a little higher than usual. Some of the creek crossings were a little challenging, but it takes a lot to stop the All Nations Bushwalkers. The same couldn't be said for some of the other groups we encountered. One group stood transfixed as they watched us show them how it's done. They stayed transfixed there too, and didn't follow us.

Another challenging creek crossing, and some of the party opted for a less conventional technique.

And what about this for a barrier? It's the 'North Rocks Dam', officially the Loyalty Road Flood Retarding Basin. It was built about 20 years ago to protect Parramatta from floods, by slowing the flow after extreme rainfall events. So far it's never really been tested, but one day it will be.

The retarding tunnel through which the creek flows, serves also as the walkway for bushwalkers, most of the time at least.

It was a little bit wet in there this time, but fortunately quite negotiable.

You emerge out the other side, and tip-toe along a narrow walkway, before heading up a concrete stairway to dry land above.

Then it's on again downstream, past some striking sandstone cliffs. The suburb of North Rocks was named after one of the local sandstone outcrops, from which the stones for Parramatta Gaol and Lake Parramatta Dam were sourced.

There's a bit of a weed infestation going on in some spots. Needs a bit of attention from a Bushcare group maybe.

Here's Lake Parramatta. When I'd first heard of it, I'd thought it must be something within Parramatta Park. But no, it's an entirely separate place, a few kilometres to the north. It's got a cafe. picnic and barbecue facilities, and a swimming area. And it's very popular on sunny Sunday afternoons.

Below: my intrepid group 

Some photos courtesy Paul Monaghan & Molly Huang

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