Sunday 25 August 2019

Brisbane Waters:spring flowers, scribbly bark & a scribbly rock!

August is actually the best bushwalking month in the Sydney region. The weather is cool enough to be comfortable, and although it's still officially winter, the spring flowers are all out.

I walked the Tunnel Track fire trail to Rocky Ponds today, in the Brisbane Waters National Park. I wasn't disappointed.

This Scribbly Bark gum tree (Eucalyptus haemastoma) was about the scribbliest I've come across.

Rocky Ponds, my destination. Not a lot of water about at the moment.

On the way back I came across a scribbly rock! Never seen one quite like this before. Presumably not the same insect involved as the scribbly bark tree eating moth, but somebody doing something very similar, and making very similar patterns!

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