Tuesday 7 May 2019

Photography made (too?) easy!

I got bored with my super-cheap bottom-of-the range smartphone the other day. The camera was never much good, and it was so slow that if I wanted assistance from Google Maps, I was usually at my destination before the app finally opened.

Hence the upgrade. Not my usual half-hearted minimalist upgrade, but an upgrade to a top-of-the range super-camera, attached to a supercomputer, with a phone tacked on as a bonus too.

I tested it out on a morning stroll around the suburb, pointing-and-shooting here and there. And what do you know! Whatever you shoot, it enhances, optimises, fixes up perfectly.

Most amazing of all, you can even point-and-shoot at the night sky. No need for tripod, cable release, long exposure, special lenses. Nothing. I just held it up, pointed it at the Milky Way, and pressed the button. This is what eventuated!

Here's Mount Victoria station the other day. A difficult shot, because the big shady awning was making the station and platform extremely dark, while the sunshine outside was bright. The auto-mode camera didn't blink an eye, so to speak.

And as for the super-macro lens, in use below, what can I say? This phone has four separate cameras in fact, and it automatically switches between them as required!

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