Monday 27 May 2019

Jinki & Jungaburra revisited

I joined the bushwalkers on Saturday for a return visit to Jinki Ridge and Jungaburra Brook in the Blue Mountains. I wrote about our first visit two years ago here: 2017 visit

It's a gloriously scenic area and provides a satisfactorily challenging bushwalking circuit.

Here's the view across to the southern side of the Grose Valley. The pointy peak is Burramoko Head, and down to the right a bit is the infamous Hanging Rock. That's where I'll be taking a group in a couple of weeks time. Here's a piece on last year's Hanging Rock visit: 2018 Hanging Rock visit

On this trip we encountered people who were indeed hanging off rocks. There's a rock-climbing location called the Bell Supercrag. A couple of rock climbers were super-climbing up the crag, above Jungaburra Brook. There was a horrific scream at one stage. We couldn't see what had happened, but the occasional rock-climber within our party pronounced that it was indeed the sound of someone who'd had a fall. We also had a senior intensive-care specialist within our group (we're like that - a skilled and diversified bunch of bushwalkers). She decided it wasn't quite the sound of a serious injury. When we got close enough to talk to the climbers, now perched on a ledge above us, they cheerily told us everything was OK. So I think one had indeed fallen, got to dangle on his rope for a while, and then recovered and got down again.

We had a minor injury in our party. No rock-climbing involved here. Just a scrape against a protruding boulder.

One of most fun bits was climbing up out of the gorge via the ropes and steel rungs. Much easier this way though than what the rock climbers do.

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