Wednesday 1 May 2019

Flint, steel, no goannas

The other day I reacquainted myself with Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park's Flint and Steel Beach, and some of its neighbours. It's out on the Hawkesbury River mouth, and accessed by one of the walking tracks off the West Head Rd.

You go down a nice track for a kilometre or so, and the beach is on your right. Walk a little further and you encounter the 'flint and steel' formations in the rock platforms.

I decided to check out the beaches to the west also: White Horse and Hungry Beaches. My recollection from last time I was there, 15 years or so back, was that our visit was dominated by enormous goannas monstering us and trying to make off with our lunch.

So back up the track to the junction, and then down the 'Flint and Steel Bay' track.

There was White Horse Beach. No goannas in sight though.

Maybe the goannas had been at Hungry Beach, a few hundred metres further west?

I pushed on, through largely trackless and somewhat unwelcoming terrain.

I got a view of Hungry Beach, but wasn't in the mood for further bush-bashing. The goannas could lunch without me that day, hungry or not.

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