Thursday 1 March 2018

Hanging Rock: picnics, poseurs, and panic

My Thursday adventure bushwalking group has been talking about Hanging Rock for quite a while. It's a smallish bushwalk, but quite high in the adventure stakes. Some people just can't bring themselves to jump over THAT GAP. And as for that narrow little pointy platform at the end.......

We finally made it last week, and gee it was worth it. The views over the Grose Valley are magnificent, and the buzz you get from conquering the thing! Specially when half the party chicken out and stop well short.

Let's be honest, the jump across 'that gap' is pretty easy. Nobody falls down it. People have died though, doing slack rope walks and base jumps. It's really easy to spook yourself in these situations though. Best just to walk up to the gap and jump without looking down. You can do that afterwards.

There are lots of excellent videos of people's Hanging Rock exploits. Do a quick search of 'Hanging Rock Blue Mountains', and you'll see all the crazy scary stuff first. I like the slightly less scary ones myself, like the 'training videos' I forgot to show my fellow walkers before our expedition. Here's a nice one, almost designed to put you off:
Click here: Scaredy-cats video

There's also a very unbushwalkerly looking lady, Melinda, who's produced a whole stack of  'bushwalker training videos'. She's busy selling make-up and lipstick, I notice, but she's doing a great job promoting our sport too! 
Click here: Melinda's visit

Photo credits: Paul (4th photo), Fiona (5th photo)

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