Monday 31 July 2017

What next for Padang's beach?

Since I was last in Sumatra they've been through a few natural trials and tribulations. A few more volcanoes have erupted, and they've had some massive earthquakes and a particularly devastating tsunami.

The city of Padang in West Sumatra is very much in the firing line for the next really big earthquake and tsunami, of the scale of the 2004 magnitude 9.0 event in Aceh to the north. Needless to say they're very conscious of it.

In 2009 Padang suffered a 7.6 magnitude earthquake, which killed over a thousand people, and destroyed a large number of buildings. When there recently I met someone who had lived through it, and was still traumatised by the memories. She said she was working in a ground floor office, and was able to get out before the building was destroyed. Some colleagues died. Fearful of a tsunami (which thankfully didn't come), the survivors ran several kilometres inland. The nearby high ground was avoided because it would have meant crossing a bridge, which they feared might collapse.

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