Friday 19 May 2017

Stop Adani week

It was 'Stop Adani Week' this week. And hopefully we will.

Just as the world accepts that it's time to phase out coal burning, that most of the fossil fuel still in the ground has to stay in the ground if we're not to wreck the joint totally......   along comes Adani - an Indian based multinational, chaired by billionaire founder Gautam Adani.

They have plans to build  the biggest coal mine in Australia - the Carmichael mine in Northern Queensland. It would threaten the already stressed Great Barrier Reef, trample on local Aboriginal land rights, and move the world quite a bit closer to runaway climate change.

It would create a few thousand jobs. Maybe. Though it would probably destroy more coal mining jobs in older New South Wales mines. (Not that I'm a great fan of NSW coal mines.) And there are many times more jobs waiting to happen in renewable energy, when it's set free to do what it's ready to do for us.

Amazingly, the Queensland and Australian governments  are wanting to help the project along, with massive multi-million dollar subsidies and accelerated approvals. (And I'm sure they've never been influenced by any donations they received from the industry!)

So as part of a nationwide effort, the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Greens mobilised a mass movement of the people this week, to draw attention to the thing. They staged events at local train stations and parliamentarians' offices, and in probably a first ever, they marched en masse, from Pennant Hills to Cheltenham during today's afternoon peak hour. Drivers were asked to honk their support. And honk they did!

Pictures all stolen from Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Greens Facebook page. See more: HKRG Greens Facebook

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