Saturday 13 May 2017

Crisscross Spur and the Five Ladies

Another epic walk by my Thursday Survey bushwalking adventure group.

Crisscross Spur and the Five Ladies are spectacular and scenic land formations within the Blue Mountains National Park. (Despite the sign in the picture about the Wollemi wilderness - the Wollemi NP is a few kilometres further north). We're about 20km north-east of Clarence, and approached via the Glowworm Tunnel Road and Waratah Ridge Road.

Leader Harold, pointing out the Five Ladies from Crisscross Spur.

We hit upon a viable way down off Crisscross Spur, to the fire trail below, and continued on to the Five Ladies.

The Five Ladies are a series of excellent pagoda-rich rocky hilltops. We clambered up and over every one of them. Here we are having lunch on Number 2 Lady.

This fine dining table formation was atop the fifth one.

Everywhere you look, it's wild pagoda country.

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