Wednesday 24 May 2017

Dick Smith and the lunacy of endless growth

Two hundred good citizens of Ku-ring-gai and other northern suburbs packed into Killara Uniting Church Hall this evening to hear the wise words of local hero Dick Smith. The event was organised by the Friends of Ku-ring-gai Environment (FOKE).

Dick is an entrepreneur, a round-the-world helicopter explorer, an energetic and outspoken living national treasure. He's been very vocal in recent times about excessive population growth, and the lunacy of conventional economics and mainstream politics, in their nonsensical advocacy of impossible perpetual growth. He explains very eloquently how this economic and environmental ponzi scheme helps only the 1% of super rich, while it wrecks the joint for all the rest of us.

Here's Dick's population website:

He's also starting a 'Dick Smith Think Tank', he said, called 'Fair Go For All' or something like that. Watch out for it. Someone suggested he should be more active on social media. He could do a fabulous job in my opinion, as a sort of anti-Trump on Twitter. Instead of a constant stream of top-of-the head Trumpian garbage, we would get bucketloads of outspoken wisdom.

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