Tuesday 2 March 2021

Colo Meroo circuit


Every year or three my bushwalking club gets itself around the Colo Meroo circuit in the Wollemi National Park. We assemble at the starting point on the Upper Colo Road. Here we were the other day.





Not far from the Rural Fire Brigade station in fact.

It's a somewhat contorted loop that traverses Gospers Ridge and Mailes Ridge, and although I last did it less than three years ago, I found I was still a bit disoriented. It was a bit misty, so we didn't get to see the distant city views, for instance. They were said to be on the other side of the ridge than where I'd expected them to be. It's a very winding river, the Colo, and could defeat the best navigator, I'm sure.



Here we are, admiring the views down to the river from Mailes Ridge.


Back down at river level, near the unexpectedly closed Meroo camping area, is the traditional swimming spot. We were ready for a cooling dip, and there was a fair bit of water in the river, following recent good rains.


The boys did a synchronised swimming demonstration.


Somehow the girls didn't look all that impressed!

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