Tuesday 23 February 2021

Jannali's tale of two carparks


Finding myself in Jannali the other day, I had to check out the red-hot local news story that had been raging down there. The state government were wanting to compulsorily purchase and demolish nine houses near the train station for a commuter car park. Why don't they use the Woolworths car park site on the other side of the station, ask the residents. Put a few stories on top of that?





Transport Minister Constance was rather evasive about that. He eventually promised to consider it, but he didn't sound that convincing.






The Woolworths Metro car park is indeed well located, very spacious, and could indeed do the job. But that's not what these things are usually about. It's likely to have been secretly earmarked for something else by the property developers.

What say we check back in here, in a couple of years time. What's the betting there will magically be an enormous housing development on the Woolworths car park site?

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