Friday 12 February 2021

The surfing duck of Rainbow Bay

There was a story doing the rounds of the world's media last week that was of critical importance. There's a surfing duck at Coolangatta's Rainbow Bay! And what do you know, the Australian media have totally ignored it, apparently thinking that a worldwide pandemic, an impeachment trial in the US, and rampant corruption at home are somehow more important!

In fact the surfing duck story was labelled as the most viewed story on the BBC's website one day. See here:  BBC story                                                                      Duck picture courtesy BBC

Well, I happened to be passing through Coolangatta myself a few days later. Obviously this duck needed to be investigated.



I didn't find it. Found a few other ducks on the beach though.






Plus some human surfers and some very big seas.



A nice visit, with or without its surfing duck!

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