Tuesday 23 February 2021

Jannali's tale of two carparks


Finding myself in Jannali the other day, I had to check out the red-hot local news story that had been raging down there. The state government were wanting to compulsorily purchase and demolish nine houses near the train station for a commuter car park. Why don't they use the Woolworths car park site on the other side of the station, ask the residents. Put a few stories on top of that?





Transport Minister Constance was rather evasive about that. He eventually promised to consider it, but he didn't sound that convincing.






The Woolworths Metro car park is indeed well located, very spacious, and could indeed do the job. But that's not what these things are usually about. It's likely to have been secretly earmarked for something else by the property developers.

What say we check back in here, in a couple of years time. What's the betting there will magically be an enormous housing development on the Woolworths car park site?

Jannali 2226


Jannali is on the Cronulla/Waterfall line, and it's the stop before Sutherland. I stopped and checked it out the other day, and it's a thoroughly nice little suburb.

Several pleasant cafes and a very nice feel to the place.


And there are excellent little bushwalks to be done around here. Like in the Burnum Burnum Sanctuary, where there are forests of Gymea Lilies. I guess there ought to be, as it's not far from Gymea here.








This is the Pipeline Track, alongside the very rusty old Woranora water pipeline.

Sunday 21 February 2021

A Castle Hill coffee morning and the "I don't hold a hose" Prime Minister


What's going on here then? We were in the Castle Mall shopping centre for our Sunday morning coffee, and there was an excited crowd outside the Medical Centre. Inside was an even more excited bunch of politicians, senior health executives, and the nation's media. It was the launch (pre-launch actually) of the country's COVID-19 vaccination programme.


When PM Scotty-from-Marketing went on holiday in Hawaii during the bushfire crises a year ago, he used the excuse of "I don't hold a hose!" Now that there's some good news re the COVID crisis, he's definitely wanting to be in on the action. I feel an election coming on.

Here's a Reuters video. Watch for the bit where our first vaccinee inadvertently(?) gives a disrespectful gesture to them all!

Click here: YouTube/Sky News video

Wednesday 17 February 2021

Pretty in pink - a nice epidemic!


The pink flannel flower (Actinotus forsythii) is considered to be a very rare and special thing. It's only found in a handful of places in south-east Australia, and it's only found about a year after a bushfire. Its growth is thought to be dependent on the presence of a particular chemical in the bushfire smoke.

When a group of us came across a tiny handful of the flowers a couple of years ago in a remote bushwalking spot (see here: Sept 2019 post ), we were told we were unlikely to ever see one again. They were a bit like Halleys Comet, or a total eclipse of the sun. Once in a lifetime.




Well, they're back with a vengeance, and they're in all kinds of easy-to-access places this time. Like right alongside the Narrowneck Road near Katoomba. Every man and his botanist friend is out there admiring them. It's all to do with the massive bushfires of 12 months or so ago.

Monday 15 February 2021

No new year is good new year?

The Year of the Ox has started. And as ever, a good place to find out more was Chatswood.


What I found in Chatswood the other day was that Chinese New Year is being marked, but there's not going to be that much happening. The Council and business-sponsored displays look to be on a rather smaller scale than usual. It's nothing like when I checked out the start of the Year of the Pig in pre-COVID 2019. See here: Year of the Pig, Feb 2019

Don't want those crowds after all.

Sawtell dinosaurs!

Yes, I know. Which ones are the dinosaurs? But that's not the point. We went looking for butterflies. They call  it the Coffs Harbour Butterfly House. And we found dinosaurs instead. And that's quite a bonus!


They put on this fun little dinosaur show, where they do indeed   link dinosaurs with butterflies. It was to do with amber-encased butterfly specimens, and how amber-encased dinosaur bits are going to really truly bring dinosaurs back to life.

 Hope so. It'll be fun!

Saturday 13 February 2021

Don't tell (about Sawtell)!


That would be giving the game away. Though I think the secret is pretty well out by now. I even contributed to this situation when I posted about our last Brisbane trip, here: Travelling north again

It's just about half way to Brisbane, so it's ideal for a stopover. And it's also about the nicest seaside town you could ever hope to stumble upon.

Friday 12 February 2021

The surfing duck of Rainbow Bay

There was a story doing the rounds of the world's media last week that was of critical importance. There's a surfing duck at Coolangatta's Rainbow Bay! And what do you know, the Australian media have totally ignored it, apparently thinking that a worldwide pandemic, an impeachment trial in the US, and rampant corruption at home are somehow more important!

In fact the surfing duck story was labelled as the most viewed story on the BBC's website one day. See here:  BBC story                                                                      Duck picture courtesy BBC

Well, I happened to be passing through Coolangatta myself a few days later. Obviously this duck needed to be investigated.



I didn't find it. Found a few other ducks on the beach though.






Plus some human surfers and some very big seas.



A nice visit, with or without its surfing duck!

Wednesday 10 February 2021

More Gold Coast beaches and skyscrapers


Note the lifeguards' ute. The beaches were all closed following a string of drownings caused by the wild seas.


Note how some people snuck back in regardless, as soon as the lifeguards looked away.


Below: the view from distant Springbrook