Monday 13 July 2020

Peregrine vs pigeon

While having morning tea break the other day at Liversidge Hill in the Blue Mountains, I watched a life-and-death drama being played out. It involved a peregrine falcon (fastest bird in the world) and a very frightened rock pigeon.

Hopelessly slow and portly by comparison, and knowing it represented a very tasty meal, poor pigeon made an emergency landing under a bush very near us, and crouched in there looking every bit as terrified as it must have been. Peregrine circled and dived for quite a while. He knew it was just a matter of time.

Eventually we had to move on. We gave pigeon and his refuge a wide berth, and departed the scene. Looking back from time to time, Peregrine kept circling.

Then he dived, and we couldn't witness what eventuated. It probably wasn't pretty though.

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