Monday 13 July 2020

Mt Murray Anderson - do-able after all!

I had recollections of a previous attempt on Mt Murray Anderson, about 10 years previously. I remembered a particularly gruelling bush-bash, and an ignominious retreat. I also remembered vowing never to try it again.

So it was inevitable I'd sign up for a return bout the other day.

It's in the Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, north of Duffys Forest. You start on a fire trail, but soon you're pushing through thick scrub, finding ways down the cliffs, and battling on up slippery creeks.

Towards the end, eventually approaching our mythic destination, the terrain became surprisingly easy, and we traversed large rock platforms liberally decorated with indigenous carvings.

Lunch was had overlooking Cowan Creek and Smiths Creek, and then it was time to head back. What horrors awaited us on the return journey?

Turned out there was another way out, along a very easy track! We were out in no time. I'd no idea!

Memory's a very strange thing. Looking back through my records, I've come to the conclusion that I did get to Murray Anderson after all on that previous expedition. I'd confused it with another double-barrel mountain, Mt Macleod Morgan. That one's even located in the 'Devil's Wilderness'. So it looks like I'll have to revisit it too now!

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