Saturday 9 March 2019

What lies beneath?

I've got a little corner of the back yard that serves as a vegetable patch. I get a regular harvest of tasty fare: beetroot, carrots, spinach, tomatoes. It's all labelled and in nice neat rows. I like to know what's what.

A couple of years ago the brush turkeys moved in, and it all changed. See here my post from November 2017, about my naive policing attempts: Gardener vs turkeys

This year my neat rows got utterly rearranged again. I distinctly remember planting beetroot, potatoes, and several others, all so tidily. What came up though was a massive tangled mess of greenery, with no sign of most of those things.

What lay beneath? Quite a lot, it turned out. It seems the turkeys aren't that interested in pumpkins, capsicums, squashes, and marrows, and there they all were in all their glory. In all shades of greens and yellows, and all shapes and sizes.

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