Saturday 16 March 2019

Schools out! Reinforcements at last for the class of '69!

Yesterday the schoolkids went on strike for action on climate change. The Sydney rally was one of hundreds of such events around the world.

I've covered many political protests at Town Hall, but this was the biggest yet. Even the normally antagonistic Australian newspaper estimated the crowd at 20,000.

And it was so good to see it. It's wonderful that at last, after all these decades, a generation of caring youthful activists is at last emerging to rival that of 50 years ago!

There was the predictable criticism from the usual quarters. Children should be at school, 'learning stuff'! Well, they learnt lots here, and in fact taught their elders a lot too. The words on their placards said it all.

There were a fair few parents and other oldies in the crowd too of course. Some of the seasoned ones had signs like "Class of '87", and "Class of '69". Come to think of it, I was in the class of '69. I might be able to think about retiring at last.

Keep it up kids!

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