Friday 9 June 2017

Talking turkey

What do you say to a brush turkey that's colonised your property as part of his territory? Mostly you say things like "#$@&%* off turkey!" It doesn't achieve much though. Brush turkeys are amazingly resilient. They're completely oblivious to  all your efforts to make them feel unwelcome. You can chase them around the garden, scream at them, shoot them with water pistols (lethalweapons not allowed - they're native animals). They just look at you quizzically. "You're in a bad mood" they tell you condescendingly. Then when you go back inside they happily resume their excavations in your vegetable garden!

And they have the nerve to roost overnight in your angophora tree, out of range of your most powerful water pistol. (So far.)

Wonder if my scarecrow is going to achieve much.

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