Saturday 6 October 2018

Look what they've done to our library!

So said the Weekend Herald today about the Mitchell State Library. What they've done of course is a terrific refurbishment of all their exhibition galleries. They are now able to properly display a lot more of their treasured possessions.

I turned up in time for the traditional smoking ceremony, carried out on the front steps.

With the building appropriately cleansed, the visitors made their way in.  We were all pretty impressed.

Among the exhibits are six collections of  UNESCO-listed things. The 'UNESCO Six include the journals of many of the First Fleet participants, some magnificent photography collections, the Miles Dunphy bushwalking journals, and the original copy of Dorothea Mackellar's 'The Core of my Heart' (aka 'I Love a Sunburnt Country').

Several galleries of historical paintings too by local artists.

And the main reading room is looking as good as ever.

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