Wednesday 17 October 2018

A royal-watching guide for republicans

Sydney Exponential is proudly republican of course, and was initially a reluctant royal-watcher yesterday. I was curious though about the phenomenon. It made for a good-natured fun day out, I discovered. I could treat it as a professional challenge. See what sort of views and what sort of photos the average punter could expect.

Harry and Meghan were in town. They were at the Opera House at midday, doing a much anticipated walkabout. The crowd was big and enthusiastic. Every now and again there was an excited buzz, and a sea of phones and cameras were up in the air. I had no idea what was going on.

I  saw almost nothing from my carefully-selected vantage point. Hundreds of much more seasoned royal watchers had taken their more carefully-selected prime positions. Some even got to talk to the royal personages, we saw later on the TV reports. Mostly it was as depicted below!

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