Wednesday 5 September 2018

Darwin, Wentworth, and other bushwalkers

Wentworth Falls in the Blue Mountains is very much the place to take any bushwalk-friendly overseas visitors. It was named after William Charles Wentworth, one of the explorers (and presumably bushwalkers) who, with the help of some locals, became the 'first' to find a route across the mountains.

Here are some of my past visitors, doing the terrific little Charles Darwin Walk, following in the footsteps of the great man himself in 1836.

After a while you reach Wentworth Falls itself - the waterfall that is. And it's a big one. There's a steep set of steps down to the bottom, with some magnificent views along the way.

 You typically then follow one of the routes westward to the Conservation Hut, such as the Overcliff-Undercliff Track, and check out all the lookouts along the way.

My bushwalking club did the trip the other day. I went along and supported a new walk leader on her first outing as leader. As ever, it was a nice day out.

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