Wednesday 29 August 2018

Putney 2112

I gave the suburb randomiser machine another spin (it's actually an Excel spreadsheet, but not to worry), and out popped the suburb of Putney. It's on the north side of the Parramatta River, about 10km west of Sydney's CBD.

I mostly think of Putney in the context of the Putney to Mortlake ferry. When I was working in Parramatta and living in the Inner West, I'd often come home this way. Slightly out of the way, but a pleasant little diversion.

Unfortunately on weekdays the ferry only operates during peak hours, and was closed for my visit. So no ferry ride this time.
I noticed a huge amount of new development since I was last there, and lots still going on. Putney seems to be quite the place. But then so is every suburb near the Parramatta River or with half-decent transport connections.

Here's the brand new Royal Rehab Hospital.

And here's an apartment block development which must have some of the best views of any is the Sydney area. It's on a ridge top. There's the city to the east, the river and Olympic Park to the south, and maybe the mountains to the west, plus the 'leafy green' suburbs in the north.

There are parks, and riverside walks. Here we're looking across at the Rivendell complex.

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