Saturday 4 August 2018

The planets are aligned.........

Every few years there's an alignment of the naked-eye planets, whereby you get to see all of them at the same time (if you know where to look). There are of course six of them, when you include the one beneath your feet.

Mercury was an easy evening object a few weeks ago, but it's done its dash again now. The others are all still out and proud.

For a while I've been seeking an ideal observing location within Sydney. You won't get anything like a perfect dark sky without travelling hundreds of kilometres, but some metropolitan areas should be more suitable than others. And I hit on Terry Hills the other night as a good option to try out.

Right & below: The galactic centre is right overhead, with the dark 'Emu in the Sky' stretching horizontally from near the Cross in the south.

Right & below: Looking more or less straight up here. A very red Mars, Saturn, and always-bright Jupiter are in a line. Brilliant Venus set in the west a while ago.

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