Wednesday 15 March 2017

Bushwalkers bush-bash to Bell's Barnacles

Another new destination (for me) in the unique pagoda formation country a couple of hours north west of Sydney.

We went the other day to the Barnacles, a pair of parallel ridges in the Blue Mountains National Park. You start at the truck checking station at Bell, then bush-bash a few kilometres north and east along various ridge tops, using careful navigation.

It's a satisfying sort of walk. A well defined destination, some fine scenery, those navigational challenges, and at the moment at least, not too overgrown (because of the big 'State Mine' fire of three and a bit years ago). So it's not too exhausting a day out.

I'll go back on a sunny day sometime. It'll be quite spectacular then.

About to ascend onto the western ridge.

Emerging from the slot.

Looking across to the eastern ridge.

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