Monday 6 March 2017

Our solar year

The other day it was the first anniversary of our solar photovoltaic rooftop power station. So I've now got a good idea of what you can expect from a solar installation in the Sydney region.

Our nominally 3kW system, which for various technical reasons actually delivers a maximum of 2kW, has generated a total of 4154kWh, of which we exported 3258kWh to the grid, and used 896kWh ourselves.

We imported 2944kWh, so we were net exporters. Mind you, we have to pay a lot more for the electricity we buy than we get for what we sell. So we still pay the retailer rather than vice versa. We have saved about $400 over the year though, and that's been a worthwhile return.

Here's the full year's week-by-week record. We were away in July. Otherwise consumption (and imports) were highest in winter, and solar generation was highest in spring and early summer.

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