Sunday 5 February 2017

"No Walls, no fear, refugees are welcome here"

An excellent little gathering yesterday in Hyde Park, followed by a march to the US Consulate in Martin Place.

It was organised by the Refugee Action Coalition Sydney. It was in support of the refugees detained in Australia's offshore detention camps, of bringing them here at last, and it was to denounce both Donald Trump and Malcolm 'Trumble' for their respective crimes against refugees and race relations.

Colourful isn't the word for these occasions. And the wit and humour on display was priceless. It's such a pity it's all so serious too though.

The thin blue line at the MLC Centre. The police are always pretty good on these occasions. And if there was anyone home in the Consulate, I feel a bit sorry for them. Not only do they suddenly have a thousand chanting natives outside,  but they also have a childish, ignorant, malignant narcissist oaf to report to!

I must admit, it took me a while for the subtle brilliance of the sign below to sink in!

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