Wednesday 22 February 2017

Ice epidemic

Ice as in lumps of it falling out of the sky. Otherwise known as hail.

Our suburb and others experienced a very dramatic thunderstorm the other day. It came after weeks of  record heat. We can expect more and more of these extreme weather events.

The insurance industry knows this. They have conferences about it all the time. Our insurance company is sending a builder round to check out the damage, though I suspect it could be quite a while till it's fixed - such is the scale  of the damage around here.

Hailstorms are usually rated by stone size, as in 'the size of golfballs', or sometimes oranges. Ours weren't quite golfballs, mostly grapes, with the odd small plum, but rather more solid.

One bright note: My old car (parked outside) and our solar panels (parked on the roof) seem to be quite indestructible.

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