Wednesday 1 February 2017


We called in on the Sunshine Coast hinterland town of Eumundi. It's famous for two things: Kevin Rudd, and the twice-weekly Eumundi market.

Rudd spent his early childhood on a dairy farm here, and attended the local primary school for a few years. Despite the rickety signboard, the school looks quite well appointed these days. And that's only fair and fitting. Kevin was after all the prime Minister who saved us from the worst effects of the GFC, in part by spending lots on school buildings - around the country that is, not just at his own old school! The bust is in Canberra, by the way, and I stole the picture off Wikipedia.

Eumundi's market is a big production. Quite an institution. We spent a couple of hours there, and I don't think we got round every nook and cranny of it.

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