Tuesday 13 December 2016

Visiting Cape Horn (not the South American one) on a slow news day

Another excellent day out recently for my Thursday adventure bushwalking group. This time it was the Cape Horn area of the Gardens of Stone region.

Again lots of great views, cliff scrambles, pagoda formations, caves and overhangs etc.

Driving out was interesting. We took what we thought was the easier of the two dirt roads. Then we encountered the scariest bit of road I've ever been driven along. Massive holes and boulders, and a 30 degree downhill slope. Could this really be a road? Was it really navigable?

Most of the passengers got out and walked. Our intrepid driver refused to be cowed, and headed on down.

Then this!

(Actually no. There's a bit of media manipulation going on here. This must be one of those fake news sites we've heard about! The wreck was an entirely different vehicle, and we'd photographed it earlier in the day!)

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