Monday 5 September 2016

Call that a skyscraper - THESE are skyscrapers!

When I last visited Shanghai, the land across the Huangpu River was flat swamp. That was 30 years ago.

Look at it now!

I was keen to check out this amazing megalopolis again, and it didn't disappoint. Shanghai is somewhere right up there in the 'World's biggest city' stakes. It depends on how you measure it, of course, but it's usually in the top two or three, and its population is roughly that of the whole of Australia. If you went for 'World's visually most stunning central business district', it would possibly get the very top spot.

It's got the current world's second and fourth tallest skyscrapers, and gee, what a colourful, constantly changing Disneyland light show they present every night!

If you go up one of the skyscrapers, there are hundreds of other skyscrapers in every direction, pretty well as far as you can see.

You also look down on walls of pint sized, common or garden skyscrapers like these.

The funny looking multi coloured TV tower (The Space Module) is closer than some of the others, so it looks bigger than it is. I took a special interest in the group of three here: the Shanghai World Financial Centre (The Bottle Opener), the Jin Mao Tower (The Eggbeater, or The Syringe), and the Shanghai Tower (The Screwdriver, or The Egg Whisk).

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