Friday 25 April 2014

NSW's Mid North Coast beaches - part 1

 I had no idea there were so many terrific picturesque beaches up there. It's a matter of heading off away from the highway, and exploring all the nooks and crannies of the coastline.

The stretch of coastline from Seal Rocks up to Crowdy Head is all part of the region informally known as the Mid North Coast of NSW (although in the usual muddled Australian way, several organisations and government departments define the regions differently!)

Anyway, it's got good beaches.I've lost track of all that were visited, but they included beaches at Crowdy Head, Harrington, Old Bar (where they give the best ever olde world cafe service), Diamond Beach, North Diamond Beach, Hallidays Point, Black Head, Tuncurry, several at Forster, Seven Mile Beach, Booti Booti, Elizabeth Beach, Green Point, Smiths Lake, and last but not least, Seal Rocks.

Seal Rocks was fabulous. What a discovery! Must get back there, maybe away from the holiday season, so there's more room on the narrow road in and out.

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