Thursday 3 October 2013

Pool of Photography

About 20 years ago I happened on a very scenic little pool at the bottom of a small waterfall on a creek in Tasmania. I had just done a 'Taking Better Pictures' sort of photography course, and recognised the potential in the colours, shapes, and textures. I liked the resulting picture, and more importantly, the lady who ran the photo printing booth in the local K-Mart was over the moon about it.

In those days you viewed photos on pieces of paper, called prints. Your camera used rolls of film, and you had to take said rolls to K-Mart or elsewhere to get the pictures developed and printed. The people there made more money if they could persuade  people to get enlargements made, and my lady used examples of customers' work, enlarged to various degress, stuck on the wall behind her, to illustrate what you could get and what it would cost. I was flattered and delighted when she asked whether my shot could be her new demonstration image. It was there for several years. 

The other day, walking in the Budawangs,  I came across another Pool of Photography, one to rival that earlier Tasmanian one. So I got to work again. Here are the results.

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