Monday 4 May 2020

Covid countdown - Hornsby's Neal Park & Edgeworth David Garden

How long have we been living in (sort-of) lock-down? How many weeks ago exactly was it, that PM Scomo told us we could still go about our normal business and that he was still going to the footie? Two weeks, six months? Hard to say, but I just looked it up. It's about nine weeks since his footie remark, and eight weeks since the plan to ban all non-essential gatherings of more than 500.

Then in the following two weeks the legal gathering limit quickly shrank down to two! Since then it's all been a bit strange.

One of my special missions during this time has been to use my legal-exercise outings constructively, and to explore and document as  many as possible of the nearby parks and bushland reserves. I've discovered or rediscovered lots of them, and I'm so glad they are there.

Today's little outing was to the Edgeworth David Garden in Hornsby, which is adjacent to, or part of, Neal Park. It's a small area, but an unexpectedly attractive green and rainforesty patch.

It was the home of  Sir Tannatt William Edgeworth David, geologist and war veteran who also led the first expedition to reach the south magnetic pole in 1908. He's got a nearby major road named after him too.

And he and his wife had a very nice garden!

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