Tuesday 16 July 2019

North of Amman - Ajloun & Jerash

Day 3 of my Jordan trip. Driver Mahmoud pressed on with his magical mystery tour of points north of Amman.

First stop was Ajloun, with its 12th century castle, built by the Muslim authorities to control the Bedouin tribes and deter them from allying themselves with the Crusaders.

It's a very good castle too. Solid and extensive, you can wander around its many levels, inspect its dungeons, banquet halls, armories, plumbing and ablution systems.....

The view from Ajloun Castle.

Then we went on to the fine old Roman city of Jerash. Fortunately Mahmoud was friendly with the owner of one of the restaurants near the entrance gate, so he was happy to sit this one out, while I was permitted to explore alone.

And what a terrific place. Temples, market places, a central square, another giant colosseum. There's a  long straight street, and a Hippodrome even. Everything a good Roman city required.

I liked Jerash.

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