Sunday 15 August 2021

Lockdown parks of Castle Hill

I checked out a string of pleasant little reserves today. We started in Pioneer Place Reserve, then down past First Farm Reserve, through James Greenwood Reserve, to Spain Reserve. We followed the upper reaches of Castle Hill Creek.






It's all very leafy green scenic, and all new to me, yet again! We were close to Castle Hill's more famous Heritage Park, site of that historic 1804 convict rebellion. See: Heritage Park visit April 2020  I'll revisit that one soon, I suspect.

Suddenly the parks (and the streets) were much quieter than they have been. With the epidemic escalation and the significant tightening of the lockdown restrictions, the Castle Hillians must be seriously staying at home. It's probably helped by massive confusion about all the rule changes. I suspect a lot of people have no idea what they can and can't do, and don't want to risk a $5000 fine.

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